You Can Give Away More Tax Free in 2018

After staying the same for five years, the amount you can give away to any one individual in a particular year without reporting the gift will increase in 2018. Very few taxpayers will have to pay a gift tax in any case.

Medicare's Part B Premium Will Be Unchanged in 2018, But Many Will Pay More. Got That?

The announcement of the 2018 Medicare premium is good news for some beneficiaries and bad news for many others. 

Three Reasons Why Giving Your House to Your Children Isn't the Best Way to Protect It From Medicaid

You may be afraid of losing your home if you have to enter a nursing home and apply for Medicaid. While this fear is well-founded, transferring the home to your children is usually not the best way to protect it.

New Yorker Article Highlights Abuses in the Guardianship System

Serious problems with the public guardianship system in the United States can lead to elder abuse, according to an in-depth article in The New Yorker. 

Use Your Will to Dictate How to Pay Your Debts

The main purpose of a will is to direct where your assets will go after you die, but it can also be used to instruct your heirs how to pay money that you owe.

Social Security Beneficiaries Will Receive a 2 Percent Increase in 2018

In 2018, Social Security recipients will get their largest cost of living increase in benefits since 2012, but the additional income will likely be largely eaten up by higher Medicare Part B premiums.

What To Do When a Loved One Passes Away

Whether your spouse has just passed away or you have lost your mom or dad, the emotional trauma of losing a loved one often comes with a bewildering array of financial and legal issues demanding attention.

Elder Law – Questions and Answers

An elder law practice encounters various legal and social issues related to aging and disability.  We are often called upon to address, among other things, nursing home care and contracts, legal capacity, elder abuse, special needs planning, VA benefits and planning, Medicare and Medical Assistance and advocacy, estate planning and administration, trusts and trust administration, […]