Shober & Rock attorneys provide the following services in the Philadelphia area:
- Planning for Medical Assistance, including preservation and/or transfer of assets.
- Special Needs Trusts and planning for receipt of assets by SSI and Medicaid recipients, including personal injury awards.
- Coordination of long-term care insurance with asset protection plans.
- Disability planning, including proper use of Powers of Attorney, Trusts, Advance Directives (Health Care Powers of Attorney and Living Wills), and other means of delegating management and decision-making to another in case of incapacity.
- Estate planning, including planning for managing one’s estate during life and its disposition on death through trusts, wills, and other planning documents.
- Probate and probate avoidance.
- Administration and management of trusts and estates.
- Long-term care placements in a nursing home and life care communities.
- Nursing home issues including questions of patients’ rights and nursing home quality.
- Elder abuse, personal injuries, and fraud recovery cases.
- Retirement planning, including analysis of retirement options and proper choice of Social Security timing, retirement plan use, and balancing and coordination of retirement planning with long term care planning.